Thursday, October 31, 2019

Extended Passage Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Extended Passage Analysis - Essay Example In the words of Begley, â€Å"they sired children not only with willing mates, but also with unwilling ones, allowing them to leave more offspring (also carrying rape genes) who were similarly more likely to survive and reproduce, unto the nth generation,† (2009, P 1). This paper will argue that Thornhill and Palmer’s proposal lacked scientific as well as factual merits to hold ground using extended passage analysis. Step 2 Assess for soundness (4 points). 1[Evolutionary psychology came after sociobiology in the 1980s]. 2[The theory asserts that fitness advantage during the evolution process resulted to aggressive behaviors such as the act of raping for men who carry the genes]. 3[Its genetic nature makes the behavior heritable and is passed from one generation to the next]. 4[They proposed that proximate causes may cause a man to rape and these proximate causes include sexual arousal, feelings of inadequacy, hatred for a family member (either father or mother), drunk t oo much, too much testosterone in his body, and even â€Å"a rare violence inducing gene† (4) among others]. ... 8[To contradict its own, the authors quoted Ridley (1987) On the Origin of Species of which â€Å"Natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, every variations, even the slightest; rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good, silently and insensibly working†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p 87, quoted by Thornhill and Palmer, 2001, 5)]. 9[Reproductive success as a good one for the authors meant production of offspring that survive to produce offspring as they referred to earlier work of Palmer and Steadman, 1997)]. 10[This is undesirable in terms of morality but good in terms of biological discussion (Thornhill and Palmer, 2001)]. 11[The American Psychiatric Association (1994) suggested that experience of rape is usually associated with the development of persistent psychological distress or posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD]. 12[This is characterized by â€Å"unwanted thoughts, images and dreams, avoidance of reminders of the trauma,† among others (Littleton and Henderson, 2009, p 149)]. 13[Described in a very negative manner, the experience of rape assumes a bad or negative experience, thereby, something that many women will not choose to happen to themselves again]. 14[Rape constitutes two beings – the rapist and the victim]. 15[Reproduction, too, consists of two beings and of two opposite sex – the male and the female]. 16[If it is natural to humans to evolve based on natural selection, the raped, pregnant woman who considered rape as bad or negative, therefore, insensibly rejected the bad (Ridley, 1987)]. 17[In a study by Gurven and Hill et (2008) applying evolutionary psychology, it calculated how rape would affect the evolutionary

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


EUROPEAN BUSINESS-'WHEREVER YOU LOCATE IN THE EU, IT IS A TRULY INTEGRETED MARKET.' DISCUSS AND EVALUATE THIS STATEMENT - Essay Example This necessarily implies the abolition of tariffs and quotas for imports among the member-nations, without abolishing the same tariffs and quotas in their trade with third countries. Essentially, the free trade area agreement is a preferential trade agreement, and the products covered by the removal of tariffs and trades may be limited, or may encompass the entire manufacturing sector. The next stage of economic integration is the customs union, where internal tariffs and quotas are accompanied by certain external trade restrictions, or where external tariffs and quotas are harmonized. This level of integration sought to address the weakness of the free trade area, which was vulnerable because of the member countries’ unequal policies with external trade. This invited third countries to target the member country with the most favourable tariff policies. Under the customs union, there is resort to the creation of common regulatory bodies and institutions endowed with police powers to control and regulate trade within the union. The third level, the common market, is also known as a single market. In this stage of integration, there is free factor mobility of goods among the member countries, in the form of goods, capital, labour, and services. A more intense level of regulation is implicit, and institutions are established to monitor and oversee that decisions adopted by each state does not alter the free factor mobility in the territory. The economic union is the fourth level of integration, at which the member states harmonize their economic policies, mainly in the areas of economic and fiscal policy. A series of central institutions aids in the coordination of particular areas of economic policy to the point that sovereign states relinquish control to the supranational body. Finally, complete economic integration results with the subsequent and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

General Adaption Syndrome and Post Traumatic Stress

General Adaption Syndrome and Post Traumatic Stress Hans Selye (1907-1982), an Austrian-born physician who emigrated to Canada in 1939, the general adaptation syndrome represents a three-stage reaction to stress. Selye explained his choice of terminology as follows: I call this syndrome general because it is produced only by agents which have a general effect upon large portions of the body. I call it adaptive because it stimulates defenseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. I call it a syndrome because its individual manifestations are coordinated and even partly dependent upon each other. Most of his research is concerned with formulating a code of behavior based on the laws governing the bodys stress resistance in dealing with personal, interpersonal and group problems. General Adaption Syndrome General adaptation syndrome, or GAS, is a term used to describe the bodys short-term and long-term reactions to stress. Stressors in humans include such physical stressors as starvation, being hit by a car, or suffering through severe weather. Additionally, humans can suffer such emotional or mental stressors as the loss of a loved one, the inability to solve a problem, or even having a difficult day at work. This picture is adapted from general adaptation syndrome represents a three-stage reaction to stress. Stage 1: alarm reaction (ar) The first stage of the general adaptation stage, the alarm reaction, is the immediate reaction to a stressor. In the initial phase of stress, We prepare to: battle (fight) or escape (flight) Fight can be determined as to battle or fight with something, and flight can be determined as run away with something or sometimes you in a situation that you cant deal with it. That animal reacts to threats with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for fighting or fleeing. This response was later recognized as the first stage of a general adaptation syndrome that regulates stress responses among vertebrates and other organisms. This is an involuntary physical response to danger which dissipates once we perceive the source of stress is removed. Stage 2: stage of resistance (sr) Stage 2 might also be named the stage of adaptation, instead of the stage of resistance. During this phase, if the stress continues, the body adapts to the stressors it is exposed to. Stage 3: stage of exhaustion (se) At this stage, the stress has continued for some time. The bodys resistance to the stress may gradually be reduced, or may collapse quickly. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional illness that that is classified as an anxiety disorder and usually develops as a result of a terribly frightening, life-threatening, or otherwise highly unsafe experience. PTSD sufferers re-experience the traumatic event or events in some way, tend to avoid places, people, or other things that remind them of the event (avoidance), and are exquisitely sensitive to normal life experiences (hyper arousal). Although this condition has likely existed since human beings have endured trauma, PTSD has only been recognized as a formal diagnosis since 1980. However, it was called by different names as early as the American Civil War, when combat veterans were referred to as suffering from soldiers heart. This picture is adapted from Overview of the effects of stress on your body This picture is adapted from The body doesnt distinguish between physical and psychological threats. When youre stressed over a busy schedule, an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if you were facing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress response may be on most of the time. The more your bodys stress system is activated, the easier it is to trip and the harder it is to shut off. PTSD is believed to be caused by either physical trauma or psychological trauma, or more frequently a combination of both. Traumatic events that may cause PTSD symptoms to develop include violent assault, kidnapping, and sexual assault, torture, being a hostage, prisoner of war or concentration camp victim, experiencing a disaster, violent automobile accidents or getting a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness. Children or adults may develop PTSD symptoms by experiencing bullying or mobbing. Preliminary research suggests that child abuse may interact with mutations in a stress-related gene to increase the risk of PTSD in adults. Stress can increase certain hormone levels inside the body. They include catecholamine (nor epinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine) and cortisol. Catecholamines are a component of sympathetic nervous system which prepares the body for an emergency. They increase the heart rate, blood pressure and divert more blood to the muscles. Cortisol is a hormone synthesized by the adrenal cortex and it increases the available glucose levels, lipid levels in the blood. In addition cortisol causes a reduction in immunity. These hormones prepare the body to fight or run away in a dangerous life threatening situations. However chronically elevated stress hormones can cause disease. Prolonged elevation of stress hormones can occur in chronic stress situations such as caring for a dependent person with terminal illness or in frequent acute stressors such as getting scolded numerous times by the boss. Direct effect of stress on body C:UsersluluAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5ZV69X961MC900021513[1].wmf Heart disease and stroke Increased blood sugar and lipid levels may increase the risk of heart diseases and stroke. In addition increased sympathetic over activity due to catecholamine may lead to increased blood pressure. Hypertension or increased blood pressure is another risk factor for heart diseases. Sexual problems In addition, increased stress hormones can cause reduced sexual drive and sexual dysfunction. This will lead to family disharmony and relationship problems. Increased risk of infections Reduced immunity due to increased cortisol levels can lead to various infections. It will cause deterioration of the general wellbeing [3 and 4]. For an example chronic stress can cause impaired wound healing [5]. Depression Prolonged elevation of cortisol is known to cause depression [7]. Therefore chronic stress can indeed cause depression. Gastric ulcers Chronic stress can increase the gastric acid secretion [6]. Increased gastric acid secretion can cause heart burn and gastric ulcers. Indirect effects of stress on body C:UsersluluAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5YK5A4VMUMC900056994[1].wmf Increased risk behavior Risk behavior such as alcohol consumption, drugs abuse and smoking can increase with stress. In addition some people may tend to overeat due to stress. These behaviors can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Drug abuse Some people with stress tend to abuse prescription drugs such as Ambien, Valium or opiates. These drugs in over dosage can be lethal. In addition people who abuse drugs usually take a mixture of several dangerous drugs. It can precipitate some disastrous drug interactions which can cause death or disability. Summary Stress is the human bodys response to change and adjustment. It can help people to cope with an acute change. However, stress that occurs frequently can cause serious harm to your body. Therapy used for Post Traumatic Stress Patients This picture is adapted from Today, there are good treatments available for PTSD. When you have PTSD, dealing with the past can be hard. Instead of telling others how you feel, you may keep your feelings bottled up. But talking with a therapist can help you get better. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one type of counseling. It appears to be the most effective type of counseling for PTSD. The VA is providing two forms of cognitive behavioral therapy to Veterans with PTSD: Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy. To learn more about these types of therapy, see our fact sheets listed on the Treatment page. There is also a similar kind of therapy called eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) that is used for PTSD. Medications have also been shown to be effective. A type of drug known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which is also used for depression, is effective for PTSD. Types of cognitive behavioral therapy In cognitive therapy, therapist helps patient to understand and change how patient think about they trauma and its aftermath. They goal is to understand how certain thoughts about they trauma because the stress and make they symptoms worse. Types of exposure behavioral therapy In exposure therapy patients goal is to have less fear about they memories. It is based on the idea that people learn to fear thoughts, feelings, and situations that remind them of a past traumatic event. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is another type of therapy for PTSD. Like other kinds of counseling, it can help change how patient react to memories of they trauma. Medication Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a type of antidepressant medicine. These can help people feel less sad and worried. They appear to be helpful, and for some people they are very effective. Other types of treatment Some other kinds of counseling may be helpful in your recovery. However, more evidence is needed to support these types of treatment for PTSD. Group therapy Many people want to talk about their trauma with others who have had similar experiences. In group therapy, people talk with a group of people who also have been through a trauma and who have PTSD. Sharing they stories with others may help people feel more comfortable talking about your trauma. This can help people cope with they symptoms, memories, and other parts of they life. Brief psychodynamic psychotherapy In this type of therapy, people learn ways of dealing with emotional conflicts caused by they trauma. This therapy helps people understand how they past affects the way they feel now. Family therapy Family therapy is a type of counseling that involves patient whole family. A therapist helps patient and them family to communicate, maintain good relationships, and cope with tough emotions. They family can learn more about PTSD and how it is treated. How long does treatment last? CBT treatment for PTSD often lasts for 3 to 6 months. Other types of treatment for PTSD can last longer. If you have other mental health problems as well as PTSD, treatment may last for 1 to 2 years or longer. PART B RESEARCH C:UsersluluAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5O5C30NJMMC900437563[1].wmf Overview of the companies stress alleviation activities Introduction of company The Coca-Cola Company is the worlds largest beverage company. Along with Coca- Cola, recognized as the worlds most valuable brand, it markets four of the worlds top five soft drink brands. How Coca-Cola Company alleviate stress for their employees This picture is adapted from employee has holidays each year for helping employees to develop they stress. During holiday season, families and businesses can spend wisely on both personal and business gifts. These days, pretty much everyone on holiday gift list is dealing with a degree of stress. These holidays are basic on public holidays and some other holidays, for example Christmas, New Year etc. The coca-cola company often encourages employees to do some physical exercises. Exercise is a good way to deal with stress because it is a healthy way to relieve employee pent-up energy and tension. It also helps employee get in better shape, which makes employee feel better overall. By getting physically active, employee can decrease they levels of anxiety and stress, and elevate they moods. This picture is adapted from employees were more often likely to choose Yoga-at-Work. Yoga-at-Work is a low-cost and innovative solution for companies wanting to reduce health care expenses, relieve workplace stress and promote employee well-being. The performance of a corporation depends on the performance of its key assets-employees. Healthy employees are more productive and more cost effective. Male employees were more often likely to choose to go gym. E.g. Virgin Active or Discourage. To go to gym are more expensive than Yoga-At-Work but it can help males to get more muscles so when they looks good they will feels good. Numerous studies have shown that people who begin exercise programs, either at home or at work, demonstrate a marked improvement in their ability to concentrate, are able to sleep better, suffer from fewer illnesses, suffer from less pain, and report a much higher quality of life than those who do not exercise. Coca Cola Company has been taking the lead in addressing the epidemic of stress by instituting workplace wellness programs that include a significant stress-reduction component. The most effective of these programs are the ones that integrate physical activity and nutritional programs alongside stress-management training. Businesses that have instituted activity-based workplace wellness programs have enjoyed a $3.00-$5.00 return on every dollar invested in the form of decreased health care costs, decreased absenteeism, increased productivity, decreased employee turnover, and reduced insurance costs. This picture is adapted from Supplements, the lunch support by the Coca Cola company restaurant is been well prepared. There are types of nutritional supplements that can help with stress: those that help to reduce stress and those that help the body better cope with the effects of stress. PART C CREATE Nutritional Supplements There are two types of nutritional supplements that can help with stress: those that help to reduce stress, and those that help the body better cope with the effects of stress. Supplements that help to reduce stress belong to a class of herbs that help the body relax. Herbs such as chamomile, skullcap, valerian, and lavender help to clear a hurried mind and calm intense emotions. People typically drink these herbs as teas. Supplements to help the body better cope with the physical effects of stress are the B-vitamins and zinc. When you are under stress, your need for zinc and the B-vitamins goes up considerably. If you dont have enough of these, your health will suffer, which is why people often become sick when they are under a lot of stress. Taking a B-complex supplement along with zinc will help to protect your body from the negative effects of stress.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Entering German Market :: essays research papers

During the last decade German economy is stagnating, or even decreasing. One of possible reasons is the lack of entrepreneurship in German companies. Old companies usually are too big and unwilling to change something inside, thus German government decided to support establishment of new small and medium enterprises. New agenda 2010 introduces the strategy for Germany to recover the economy and become even more competitive. In the article â€Å"Starting your business with subsidies† in Invest in Germany magazine is written that there are more than 3000 incentive programs available for investors. The program is financed by the federal government, the states and international organizations, including the European Union. The aid is available for business start-ups in a way of funding and consulting. Additional support is proposed to other investment, research and development, and training, as well as improve and protect the environment. The aid comes in the form of investment pr emiums, additional capital allowances, regional support and special credit programs. Subsidies are the main form of support. Bigger subsidies are applied for new – Eastern states and for other incentive areas. Incentive areas mean that economy there should be encouraged, industry is not as developed and investors need additional incentives to choose these areas but not more developed ones. Distribution of these subsidies is generally subject to approval by the European Union. One of the programs to finance investment is Joint Agreement program. Cash grants approved and paid to investors under this program during 1999 – 2001 were 8.6 billion euros, and the budget for 2002 – 2006 is 8.1 billion Euros ( All investors – local and foreign – are treated equally under the program, but financed sum depends on the region. The government has placed particular emphasis on investment promotion in the new states of the former East Germany and has offered a large number of incentives to promote economy in those areas. Business Guide in Invest in Germany ( lists those conditions as the most significant for cash grants under the Joint Agreement program: - Funds from the Joint Agreement are granted at the authorities’ discretion - Applications must be filed before the start of the investment - Investors must make a considerable contribution to the investment project from their own capital as proof of their commitment - Cash grants are subject to taxation - An investment period may take up to 36 months from the start of a project.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Creative nonfiction †Werner Essay

?Jo Ann Beard is primarily acknowledged as a writer of creative nonfiction. What is creative nonfiction you ask? Creative nonfiction is the writing of real events using the same techniques used to create fiction; however, the writing does not contain facts from the incident. One of the many creative nonfictions written by Beard is â€Å"Werner. † Werner Hoeflich heads home to his apartment in New York City after spending the evening at his catering job. Between the hours of four and five A. M. , Werner catches sounds of squeals and he wakes up to discover a tremendous amount of smoke floating in his apartment. Werner jumps out the window into the next door building; he astoundingly survives the devastating fire. Beard very effectively illustrates the process going through Werner’s head in the heat of the situation. Her words clearly describe how Werner jumped back and forth from his mind flashes, giving the reader a marvelous amount of information about Werner’s history. ?Beard is trying to reach out to readers who enjoy reality molded into nonfiction. She is reaching out to readers who enjoy creating scenes in their minds while interpreting the text. The information Beard is trying to convey is pretty straight forward. She is trying to convey how Werner, the main character, felt during the terrible incident. She wants to convey to the reader that every scene was conceivable even though it was now a work of creative nonfiction. Beard wanted to go to the extent where the readers would believe that they were there while the apartment building had been caught on fire. She wanted them to be present in the moment, be alive with the character of Werner. ?The success of the story starts right from the beginning. Jo Ann Beard grabs the readers in by using the ominous effect. For those who don’t know, the ominous effect is the feeling created by the author that something is either about to go wrong or has already gone wrong. By using this, the author is warning the readers that something intolerably erroneous is about to happen. Not only is this a sign for the reader, but it also creates hazard for the storyteller. The writer has to make sure the story is descriptive enough so the reader is able to tell that the events taking place are not something that will usually occur in that specific setting. Beard successfully succeeded using this effect because she is straight forward to her readers; she lets them know that night was not an ordinary night in New York City. This saves the readers from getting confused later on during the story. Beard describes the setting when Werner walked home after work: â€Å"But on that night it wasn’t like that; it was cold and fresh on the dark streets† (1). She also describes the setting surrounding his apartment: â€Å"The trees on his block were scrawny and impervious, like invalid aunts† (1). Comparing these two sentences to the description of New York City on a regular day is like comparing a cat to a dog. Beard description of New York of colored sunrises, banded cows, and Dairy Queens just didn’t connect with the idea of the mysterious streets or the spindly trees. The negative feeling generated from these two sentences from Beard’s story act as signals to be cautious of what’s ahead. Not does this only catch the reader’s attention, but it also creates curiosity. ? Even though the ominous effect alone can create an interest for the readers, Beard added foreshadowing. The ominous effect brought the story the reader’s attention and created curiosity. The readers were aware that what they were going to read ahead won’t be pleasant. The thought of what it would be kept them reading. By adding foreshadowing, Beard now also had the reader’s interest and formed suspicion. She described the act of the bird at the beginning of the story, â€Å"The bird had sharpened both sides of its beak on the branch and then made a veering, panicky flight to a windowsill far above† (1). After being freaked out by the fire, Werner’s actions were described by Beard, â€Å"He went in up to his knees, which landed on the stone sill, body all the way through onto somebody’s bed, right into their apartment†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (11). Foreshadowing can really play with the reader’s mind. The readers do not know when the foreshadowing will occur. Sometimes they don’t even know if it will occur or not. Beard also did a very well job of using the technique of foreshadowing. To use this technique, the author must plan ahead and must know exactly what the ending will be. The author must use enough information to create curiosity but not enough for the ending to be given away. In any story, providing clues to a perceptive reader is quite engaging. Once a reader knows foreshadowing is in use, they will be more careful reading and looking for important details. Another impact foreshadowing creates on the reader is the effort to make predictions. Since the readers do not know when to expect the foreshadowing, they will make predictions and get more involved with the story. ?The author efficiently demonstrated Werner’s thoughts through illustrating pictures through the  reader’s head along the way. She came up with ways to make her story engaging. The use of different literary devices helped attract the readers to the text and continue reading without being bored. Beard very successfully created a piece of creative nonfiction that not only told a story of an event, but also had her readers be present and alive. Since the readers could visualize every moment themselves, Beard most likely had left her readers believing it was them inside that apartment building and not Werner.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Confessions of St.Patrick

Kelvin Kublall Feb, 4/2013 History of Christianity Confessions of St. Patrick St. Patricks story is a quite dramatized one, it speaks about the great things he has passed through. St. Patrick was one of the first and most influential missionaries to Ireland, bravely entering this superstitious and violent country to bring the healing balm of the gospel. Firstly He was born in Great Britain nearing the end of the fourth century. He was the son of Calpornius, who was a deacon and decurion.Patrick was of a noble birth, he was a Roman citizen. At about the near age of 16 he was captured by barbaric Irish pirates and taken to Ireland where he served as a slave tending to the sheep. During his Shepard time, he was converted to the Lord and then after 6 years, God gave him a dream to leave Ireland for his â€Å"ship awaits†. God made St. Patrick travel two hundred miles to where God told him the ship would be and boarded it and set sails back to his homeland in Britain.Now while amon g his family, he had another dream, this time a voice spoke to him telling him to return to Ireland. During this time an outlined map of Ireland was identified with the forest of foclut near the western sea. Here a childhood confession he made before he became a deacon returned to haunt him. And later there was many boasting of bringing religion to the Irish. It spoke on how they never knew God and cherished idols. Then in paragraph 42 he baptizes a beautiful Irish princess in Gods name.Then he closes his confessions by saying that those who believe in the faith of God and fear him and do only what is pleasing in His sight will glorify God’s name eternally. For those were his confessions before he died. It seems that the new church leadership did not share their predecessors’ approval of Patrick’s mission, particularly his emphasis on reaching the lost rather than shepherding the existing flock. The bishops felt Patrick’s teams were spending too much time with the pagans and not enough time tending to their own spiritual well being.Patrick quoted Mathew 28, explaining that Jesus had commanded his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation, baptizing the nations and teaching them to obey everything he had commanded. By most accounts Patricks efforts were successful. By the end of Patrick’s approximately 30 years of ministry in Ireland, the Church was blossoming and a previously violent, pagan land was becoming much more peaceful and virtuous.Patrick’s theology also freed him to build a bridge to the Celtic culture by celebrating and emphasizing the aspects of that culture that he found good and righteous. The key to Patrick’s approach, was his ability to tell the Celtic story better than the Celts could. He offered them a more complete explanation of their history, showing how it finds its fulfillment in Jesus. Likewise we are today when doing missionary evangelism, we should conduct proper surveys of the population and know our roots before entering. Knowing our roots simply means to be grounded in the faith of Jesus.